Yuji Takubo


Stanford, CA 94305

I am a Ph.D. student at Stanford University, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Currently I am working at Stanford Space Rendezvous Laboratory, advised by Dr. Simone D’Amico. I have also been receiving a full-ride scholarship from Ezoe Memorial Recruit Foundation since 2020.

初めまして!スタンフォード大学 航空宇宙学科博士課程1年の田久保勇志です。

The research question I want to answer is: How to make an optimal decision-making in a complex system? Particularly, I am interested in two aspects of ``complexity”:

  • Uncertainty: an environment is always stochastic and uncertain. How to perform optimization under uncertainty?
  • Multi-objective space: every decision-making problems has competing objectives (which are sometimes hidden). Can we seek the trade-space of multi-objective solution space to make a better decision?

With my passion in space, I am currently working on spacecraft autonomy & intelligence in the context of distributed space systems (formation flight, rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking (RPOD)).

Research Fields:

  • Control and Autonomy
  • Optimization
  • Astrodynamics

Past Research Topics:

  • Space Logistics (operations research in space) with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
  • Co-design of spacecraft and space logistics via Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO)
  • Trade-space analysis of Low-energy Transfer in the Sun-Earth-Moon four-body system with low-thrust propulsion
  • Multi-objective Moon Tour design in the Multi-Moon System (Saturn & Jupiter)
  • Robust multi-objective guidance of Supersonic Transport (SST) under wind uncertainty
  • Optimal control in the probability moment space / Covariance Steering